What you need to know.
At Saxon’s Diamond Centers, we’re here to answer any and all of your diamond questions. After all, “diamond” is our middle name! There is no doubt, lab-grown diamonds are growing in popularity for a number of reasons. Most of which is the affordability nature of the diamond. It’s important to understand the differences between natural and lab-grown diamonds before making one of the most important purchasing decisions of your life! Although they are less expensive, and technically have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, you may find yourself asking, ‘what’s not to like about lab-grown diamonds and are they worth the purchase?’ Buying a diamond is a very personal choice. Ultimately, the perfect diamond for you will depend on what matters the most to you.
At Saxon's Diamond Centers, we carry both.

CVD Lab-Grown rough solitaire diamond.
The biggest questions we hear.
Q. Are lab-grown diamonds “fake” or “real”?
Lab-grown diamonds are identical to their natural counterparts in every way, except they are grown in a lab from a diamond seed instead of mined from the earth. Diamonds are made up almost entirely of pure carbon. That's why both lab-grown diamonds and naturally mined diamonds have the exact same physical properties. Because of the contrasting conditions of natural and lab-grown formation, lab-grown diamonds display several features which allow them to be distinguished from natural diamonds. As noted by the Natural Diamond Council, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a lab-grown or created diamond cannot be called “real” because it does not come from the Earth. It is not considered a gemstone. Is the chemical make-up that of an earth-mined diamond? Yes. Are they similar to cubic zirconia? No.
Q. What makes them different?
You have to start from the beginning to understand how diamonds and lab-grown diamonds are created. An organic, natural diamond forms when pure carbon undergoes intense temperature and pressure over billions of years within the Earth’s mantle. It only forms in the “diamond stability zone”, 80 to 120 miles deep, and extremely hot temperatures (up to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit), where the conditions are just right. Then, over eons of violent volcanic eruptions, diamonds get brought to the surface, embedded in large chunks of rock.
One important fact: A natural diamond is the oldest thing you will ever own. It takes billions of years in the making.
Lab-grown diamonds are grown in highly controlled laboratory conditions that reproduce the Earth’s natural growing environment: high pressure and high temperature. Yes, they have essentially the same chemical composition, crystal structure, and optical and physical properties of diamonds found in nature. They aren’t technically “synthetic diamonds” or “fake diamonds” since their chemical composition is that of naturally occurring diamonds. They can exhibit fire, scintillation, and sparkle as natural diamonds do, but they also include specific, identifiable internal characteristics.

Q. Are lab-grown diamonds identical to natural diamonds?
No, they are not identical, mainly because they are mass-produced. Their artificial production process occurs in just 2 weeks and there are tell-tale marks within the diamond which enable a professional (like us) to easily tell the difference.
Q. Are lab-grown diamonds more socially conscious than natural diamonds?
This is a question that can’t easily be answered, as both can support various claims. You can read more about each and form your own opinion. To learn more about sustainability issues as it relates to natural diamonds, this is a good place to start:
For lab-grown diamonds, search here:
Q. Are natural diamonds worth it?
Natural diamonds obtain their value because of their rarity and generally increase in value over time. Right now, lab-grown diamonds are sold at a cost of somewhere between 75-85% less than a natural diamond. While most people do not purchase a diamond as an investment, some will decide to trade their initial diamond later on in life for a bigger diamond. Most retailers (including Saxon’s) will not buy a lab-grown diamond back because it will most likely not hold its value. However, if price is playing a large part in your decision, then a lab-grown diamond might be the right decision for you.
Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Saxon’s Diamond Centers is here to guide you every step of the way!